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The Pine engine includes a build tool to distribute your games as executables, using Launch4j. The build tool also bundles the resources and a JRE.

Before running the build tool, make sure you create a configuration file for your application.

  1. Build your project.

    Terminal window
    gradle build
  2. Start the build tool with gradle :pine:runBuildTool ROOT_DIR. Replace ROOT_DIR with the root directory of your project, which should include your pine-config.json file.

  3. Test your application by executing the .exe file in the subdirectory /pine inside your build directory.

  4. To distribute your application, copy the entire parent directory of your .exe file, including the /JRE and /resources folder and the version.txt file.

Gradle task

Alternatively, you can set up a gradle task to run the build tool with fewer steps:

  1. Edit your build.gradle file and add the following lines:

    tasks.register("createExe") {
    doLast {
    def buildTask = tasks.getByPath(":pine:runBuildTool")
    buildTask.args = [projectDir.absolutePath] // Pass the project directory as an argument
  2. If you would like to automatically run the build tool every time your build your project, add the following line to build.gradle:

    tasks.named("build") { finalizedBy("createExe") }
  3. To manually create an exe, run the following command:

    Terminal window
    gradle createExe