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You can configure the Pine engine inside the pine-config.json configuration file:

"mainClass": "org.example.Main",
"gameName": "Game",
"developer": "Developer",
"version": "",
"jreVersion": "19",
"iconPath": "resources/icon.ico",

Place this file at the root of your project. You can add the following options to your configuration file.


Type: string

Set the main class of your application.


Type: string

Set the name of your application. This value must be a valid file name, as it will be used to generate the .exe file of your application.


Type: string

Set the name of developer of your application.


Type: string

Set the version of your application. This value must match the pattern x.x.x.x, where x represents any number. The build tool will automatically add a version.txt file with the value of this option in your build.


Type: string

Set the JRE version for your application. This value must be a valid JRE version and must be at least 19.


Type: string

Set the path of the icon of your application. The icon file must be an .ico file.

debug Optional

Type: boolean

Default: false

Enables debug mode for your application. If this value is set to true, running your application will also open a console window with the application’s log output.